(not so) mellow yellow


Once upon a time, I used to shy away from yellow. I used to think the color looked odd against my blonde hair. But, never say never, because these days I am loving (not so) mellow yellow. When I found this dress, I decided to forgo my yellow aversion and venture forth into a new world of color, and I’m so glad I did.

I took this yellow dress from summer to fall with booties, a houndstooth blazer, and a statement necklace.


Dress: Consignment, Cynthia Steffe ($15 marked down from $168)

Jacket: H&M (approx $15 marked down from approx $40)

Shoes: Sofft at Nordstrom Rack (approx $40 marked down from approx $120)

Necklace: Charming Charlie’s (approx $10 on clearance)


Fashion Huntress tips:

1) I think consignment is one of those things that ends up being completely addictive once you get into it. If you haven’t already visited a consignment shop, I highly recommend it. Consignment is a good way to obtain high quality clothes at affordable prices. At one of my favorite shops, I found this Cynthia Steffe dress with the tags still attached and never worn! Here are my tips for finding a good consignment shop, as that makes a big difference when looking for a good shop:

-Do your research: look for reviews online on Yelp or Google reviews

-Check the price point of the shop: is it a high end shop with high prices? Or a high quality shop with reasonable prices?

-Look for shops that are slightly outside the city center: downtown shops tend to have the highest prices

-Ask friends where they shop and/or where they consign

-Consider consigning clothes you no longer wear and be sure to research whether you can obtain shopping credits for clothes you consign

2) As always, consider transitioning your summer dresses into fall and winter. This was another dress that I was not sure would transition well.  However, once I added the booties and blazer, I realized it was a great dress to transition. 

Here’s how I wore it a few months ago during summer…

photo 2 (32)photo 2 (33)

For winter, I plan to add black textured tights to transition this dress into another season.  

Anyone else still enjoying transitional looks this fall?

Happy weekend, readers! Almost time for the work week to begin again…stay tuned for more work looks for less!

65 replies to “(not so) mellow yellow

    1. Thank you! Apparently I was hiding from yellow for no good reason. I found these booties last season, but am now looking for a brown pair. You’re right, they would look great with burgundy…hmm I should pull out my lace burgundy dress- thanks for the inspiration! xo


  1. Absolutely love the dress and the styling. The color of the dress looks so great on you. I love a great consignment shop….it’s a great way to get those pricey labels at a great price. Excellent Post!!!!!

      1. I am happy you did too! I myself have yellow fear. I have been pondering on whether or not to buy a mustard yellow zara jeans. I really want it. but not sure if i can carry it. Hopefully i decide before their stock ends.

  2. It’s funny but I have never been to fan of yellow too. And I am a brunette. But lately, I am loving it. The dress is beautiful and you look great on it! Can’t you believe that I have never been in a consignment store. I am dyeing to visit one since I start watching the TV show Resale Royalty. Do you watch it?

    1. I can believe it only because for many, many years I never went to one~!! And I have not yet seen that show!! I want to, though- it looks like they find a ton of good stuff!! …haha I’m sure that’s why they have a show!

  3. Hello, Melissa Ann! Thanks so much for liking a post of mine:)
    I love the styling of your blog and your personal style as well!
    Also, your idea of transitional styling is really smart. We had our first colder Fall day here in Minnesota, and after dreaming up outfits combining my favorite summer dresses with cute tights/knee highs & cardigans for oh so long, the weather finally gave me the go ahead! Yippee!!
    Looks like you’re enjoying Fall fashion to the fullest!(*^-^*)
    chloe ella

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